News regarding Paradise Gardeners and our community projects.

SDG&E’s Environmental Champions initiative supports 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations whose programs work to improve our local environment in San Diego County and southern Orange County.
Paradise Gardeners has been awarded a 2024 Environmental Champions grant. Follow the link below to find us and the project this grant funds in the Habitat Restoration menu tab.
California Native Plant Society, San Diego Chapter newsletter, article about Paradise Hills Native Garden:
At the headwaters of the south fork of Paradise Creek, beneath a layer of clay topped with fill dirt, rests the 1960s era Paradise Landfill, capped and covered in 1968 after slightly more than a year’s use by the County of San Diego.. Read more beginning on page 6 ..
San Diego Union-Tribune article about the development of Paradise Hills Native Garden:
Loss of wild habitat drives climate change and degrades biodiversity. Gardeners, landowners and informed volunteers have important opportunities to be an antidote. This is the story of one such opportunity in a San Diego bedroom community. Read more ..
San Diego Union-Tribune, Former Landfill Now Bounded by a Waterwise Demonstration Garden